Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Short Report 7/21


Grace and Peace to you friends. 

  I hope this note finds you doing well!  Let me start by saying that we are working on our schedule for September and October.  If you would like a visit during that time, then let me know so we can get you on the schedule.  I would love to visit with you and/or your congregation personally about this great work.  Speaking of the work, here are some of the recent highlights:

      We were blessed to be a part of the VBS at the Kisongo church (pictured above).  Each afternoon, increasing crowds of local children flocked to the building to learn about Jesus.  Just look at those precious faces!  The efforts are bearing fruit with the parents too, as bible studies have already resulted with some of them.

     I was invited to conduct a seminar at the Temeke church in Dar es Salaam. This is one of only a handful of churches in the country that have elders (the two men pictured above).  It was great to visit with them, and learn more about their history and plans for the future.  The seminar lasted all day, and was well attended.  The brethren even ate breakfast at the church building to help make sure that nobody would be late to the lessons.  

     We're also very glad to be overlapping time here with Sid and Lori Aultman and their sweet children.  Sid is being a great asset in helping with a variety of projects.  I'm especially excited about the progress being made with the library renovations!  You can look forward to more information about that in a future report.  But in the meantime, remember that if you'd like to donate books to the library, then we have an Amazon wishlist. (Click Here)  You can mail them to: 
     194 Narrows Drive, Suite 1
     Birmingham, AL 35242

   The church at Hoover sent one of their elders and his wife, Harold and Donna Rhodes, to visit Tanzania and survey the work first-hand.  Sid and I, along with the local brothers, have enjoyed giving him a closer look at various aspects of this expansive work. I'm grateful for this active involvement and presence from the overseeing congregation.  Brother Harold plans to be a regular around here, and will be a blessing to the work.  

      As a part of his visit, he taught classes at the Arusha Bible School.  He also was able to visit the Kilimanjaro Bible School and Kisongo Bible School.  

Another part of the survey, was inspecting the off-site farm land that was rented as a part of our sustainability efforts. This harvest should provide all of the cornmeal and sunflower oil that the school will need in the coming year.  

     Please keep Harold and Donna in your prayers are they travel home.  We look forward to their next trip to Tanzania! 

     This past weekend, the Arusha Church of Christ hosted a ladies seminar.  Donna, Lori, Tiffany, and myself were invited to join some talented local women in addressing some key areas of interest to the sisters here.  The seminar was well received, and follow-up programs are already being scheduled. 

     We have been visiting as many congregations as we can to encourage them and better understand their needs. One such congregation that we worshipped with recently was the Atomic Church of Christ (located in the area near the Atomic Energy Commission).  This congregation formed during the COVID lockdowns and is still meeting in a home.  I preached sitting on a couch with a rooster standing in the doorway beside me. From spacious auditoriums to crowded living rooms, it is always a blessing to gather with fellow believers to worship our Lord and study His word.  

Thank you for your support and your love.  Please continue in prayer for the Lord's church here in East Africa!  

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Mission Coordinator
Tanzania Missions

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