Grace and Peace to you friends.
Let's begin with this message from our Dean of Academics, Michael Losotwa:
"This month of March is one of the busy months for the ACSOP staff, especially those who serve as instructors on under and post-graduate programs. We had a master’s class (New Testament Theology & Homiletics) on March 7 – 18 which was taught by Jerry Bates. In that class we had 13 students attend.
"The first quarter of studies here in ACSOP for undergraduate students is impressive. Our teachers are working harder and harder to impart to these fellows the knowledge of God’s word. They are doing exactly what I would be quoted for this month from Paul’s letter to Timothy, "The things which you have heard from me...entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." II Tim. 2:2. The first-year students are showing a great improvement in their studies. Different from the last 3 weeks in which we had some who were struggling to cope with their studies but now the majority of them are catching up with. As we speak now we have a total number of 24 students in that class whom we think are the best men we would like to have in ACSOP because of their great effort in their studies and christ-like manners.
"We greatly thank our dearest brother Daniel Gaines for his arrival from the US to Tanzania to teach a short course on Denominational Doctrines, which he did from March 28 through 1 April. Before teaching that short course, he was also able to lead our 13 second-year students on the door-to-door, soul to soul evangelism campaign from Monday of 21st March through Friday 25th, at the Meserani area in Arusha. Through that effort, the following is the report of what they were able to accomplish. Forty new classes were created, five different topics were taught;
- Authority of the Bible
- Church of Christ
- Salvation (this includes Hearing, Believing, Repentance, Confession, and Baptism)
- God’s final judgment.
- Difference between Old Testament and New Testament.
This was of the most successful campaigns because;
- Biblical teachings were taught to many.
- Tracks were distributed to many people.
- Many questions were answered biblically.
- The true church (church of Christ) was known to many people.
"Besides the above token, on the 4th of April, the ACSOP will be the beginning of the 2nd quarter for both first and second-year classes before they depart for the holiday on May 28 – August 6, 2022. Let’s remember these faithful fellows in our daily prayers, giving thanks to God for the great heart of loving the Lord for coming here to study the Word so that they can go back to their homes to teach others."
Here are a few images from the student campaign:

I also want to thank those of you that have contributed to the truck for the farm! It has now been purchased and will be a tremendous help to the farm project.

There is another need that I'd like to bring to your attention. The school of preaching here is in need of folding tables and chairs for the classrooms. We have a brother who is shipping a container in a couple of weeks, and has agreed to give us space on that container. I'm looking to raise $3.231.90 for 19 tables and 48 chairs to be placed on that shipping container. Can you contribute to that sum?
Thank you for your continues prayers and steady encouragement for this good work. We appreciate you being a part of it.
Till all have heard,
Daniel Gaines
Mission Coordinator
Tanzania Missions