Grace and Peace to you friends. The past few weeks have been extremely eventful in our lives. My daughter, Abby, accompanied me on a road trip across Tanzania. Along with Phillip, Isaac, and Selena, we were able to visit 13 church meeting places and meet with representatives of 22 congregations. Even though it required about 56 exhausting hours in the truck, it was a great blessing to visit with these brethren. I had never been to most of these locations, so it was good for me to see their environments and hear about their needs and challenges. It also gave us the chance to discuss some important plans and strategies for the future of these congregations. These brethren received us enthusiastically. One even described it as his " dream come true" that we had visited. This speaks to their desire to feel like they are connected to the larger body of Christ rather than being isolated and unnoticed. Abby had prepared children's bible school kits with a binder of material and some school supplies donated by the South Green Street Church of Christ. At each stop, she gave the kits to the local teachers and provided training in how to use the material. On several occasions, she was also able to demonstrate with the children of the congregation assembled for a special class. One teacher remarked, " I have been desperately searching for aids for bible class, and God has answered my prayers."    We got back to the USA just in time to head to Henderson, TN to represent Tanzania Missions at the Freed-Hardeman Lectures. It was a great week of networking and Bible study. It is encouraging to know that even in this wicked world, there are so many wonderful works going on!  Speaking of wonderful works, take a minute to look at this summary of what happened among all of Bear Valley's international schools last year. God is good every day. Before I close, I do want to remind you that we have a tremendous need for more monthly supporters. Could you help? Could you refer us with a recommendation to someone else that might be in a position to help? I would love to come and visit with you in person about the amazing things that God is doing in East Africa! Till all have heard, Daniel Gaines Director Tanzania Missions