Wednesday, August 7, 2024

August Short Report


Grace and Peace to you friends. 

One of the things that I appreciate about the Hoover church is that one of their elders, Harold Rhodes, regularly visits and works in Tanzania.  After a recent visit, he shared the following update:

“Donna and I had a wonderful time on our visit to Tanzania this year. We left with tears in our eyes from the love we received from our family there. In most eyes doing a Mission Trip is about what you give, however for us it was about what we received. What a blessing from God to have Charles, Ahimidiwe and their families hosting us while in their country
    “To the work we did! I visited and spent time with 20 Preachers, tour all 3 Bible Schools, delivered the Sunday morning message at Churches ( Kioga, and Karatu), I taught 8 sessions at Kisonga Bible School, and visited both Orphanages.
    “The visits with the Preachers were productive as we discussed the challenges they are working through and the support needed to continue to grow the Kingdom. The greatest desire from the Preachers especially those out in the villages was support with campaigns. They see and many help with campaigns in the town, but need help in their villages too.
    “There is so much more to say about my visit, but I must share another awesome event which brings glory to God by being a blessing to others. Mother Karen, Paulina, Mkunde, and Donna did 25 encouraging Bible studies with widows all around Arusha. They sang and prayed with them while delivering words of hope and encouragement from Scripture. They also left a “care package of food” enough to last the widows several months.
    “I hope this summary gives you an idea how special it was to Donna and myself. It is our prayer that God will bless us to be able to go back next year and do more work in the Kingdom there!”

In Christ,

I have more good news, and an opportunity to share with you.  A friend of the work from Oklahoma has offered $11,000 in matching funds to build facilities for 4 congregations in Tanzania.  If we meet this challenge, then we’ll be able to help the congregations in Runzewe, Nyama Koma (Misungyi), Bonga, and Eshikesh Mbulu.  Would you like to take advantage of this opportunity to double the impact of your donation dollars?

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Mission Coordinator
Tanzania Missions

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