Saturday, April 30, 2016

Short Report - April 30

Greetings fellow workers,

     I hope this report finds you doing well and your service to God thriving.  Here's a glimpse into some of what you are facilitating through your prayers and support of mission efforts in Tanzania. 

John Class

     It is very bittersweet for me that we are in the midst of the last regular quarter that I'll get to teach at ACSOP.  It's been a pleasure to see this group of second years mature as Bible students.  I'm also thrilled that it just so happened that my last class covers the book that I most like teaching - the Gospel John.  It gives us such an personal glimpse into the ministry of our Savior!

Pentecostal Seminar

     Nesta and I have been having a series of Bible studies with a Pentecostal preacher in the area.  He's been an eager student and has been very interested in what we've had to say.  So much so, that he has invited us to present a seminar to the entire congregation.  This is a fantastic opportunity and we are very exited about it.  Please keep this in your prayers as we make plans and preparations for the event.  May God be glorified through it!

Preparing for Campaign Season

     The area preachers gathered this weekend for our monthly evangelism meeting.  Beginning in late May we'll have about a month and a half of steady campaigning.  This influx of friends from the US is always an exciting time for the work here. You can look forward to reading in future reports some of the wonderful results of these efforts.  For now, pray for both the campaigners and the local workers as preparations and pre-campaign work is being done.  

Children's Seminar

      The monthly children's seminar has become everyone's favorite day of the month.  Let me share with you Justin's account of this month's exciting seminar:

     This month’s women and children’s seminar was held in the Ngorogoro area. For those of you familiar with the Ngorgoro Crater, we were at it’s rim for this seminar. We drove approximately two hours to the small village right outside the crater. When we were within a few miles of the church, our van could no longer travel on the roads. Due to the vehicle we drive, and the long rains turning the roads into a terrible mess, we had to get out and walk the rest of the way to the church building. 
In our vehicle we had myself and Anna, our new missionaries Mason and Haley Norman, and locals Jane and Desdery Massawe, and their oldest daughter Martina. The Gaines were in front of us with a better equipped vehicle for these conditions and all of the material for the seminar. We sent them on ahead and we all got out and walked. The roads we flooded and muddy but no one complained as we headed toward the church. The road vehicles take would have been a very long walk and so the locals led us to a shortcut. This shortcut required us to climb a cliff that leads up to where the church meets. Once again, everyone was in good spirits and even Jane, who is seven months pregnant, did not complain and it was a beautiful journey to the top. 
     Given the heavy rains, we did not expect large numbers. However, when we arrived at the top we were happily surprised. Under a tarp held up by tents (this was their church building) was around 41 children and over 30 women waiting on us. Men were scattered about awaiting personal Bible studies. Everyone split up and we quickly began. 
     Daniel, Mason, Desdery, Jasper Julius (a local preacher), and I began conducting Bible studies. Tiffany, Anna, Haley, and Jane began their prepared lessons the women had asked they come and speak on. Anna began with a lesson on Christian Life and Tiffany followed with a lesson on Perseverance. By noon both women’s lessons were finished and the rain continued to pour. Every few minutes the women had to knock the pools of water off the tarp to prevent the tent from collapsing in on them. For an hour and a half the women asked questions on marriage and family and how to live a Christian life. Daniel came and helped take over the Q&A with the women so Anna, Tiffany, Haley, and Jane could take the children to do their portion of the seminar. 
Due to the continuous rains, the only place to move the 4 adult teachers and the 41 children was an 8x8 one room, mud home. The children’s faces lit up with excitement over the colored pictures Tiffany showed them as she taught them about the Bible. After Anna taught them about creation and told them each they could take their coloring sheets and one crayon home with them, their excitement bubbled over. There was no room in the small house to allow the kids to color and due to the rain they couldn’t move outside. So, the children were thrilled to have their very own crayon (yes, just one each). 
     By three o’clock the rains were still falling and we decided if we wanted to try and make it home, we needed to leave. Daniel loaded his family, Desdery’s family, and the Norman’s into his vehicle (dala dala style) and headed back toward our car. Anna and I walked back down the cliff a few minutes before they drove down because the locals told us one of our tires on the van was flat. The path down the cliff had become a waterfall and there was no way to avoid water on the roads. The walk down was adventurous and cold but we enjoyed it. 
Anna and I reached the bottom around the same time the Gaines car came down with the others. We did indeed have a flat tire. The roads were soft and mucky, terrible conditions to try and jack up our vehicle. However, Daniel, Desdery, and Mason picked up on the car while I climbed under and was able to get the jack in place. We are thankful to God and His protection that we made it home on terrible roads, two hours away, with a flat tire that had to be pumped up every 30 minutes. 
Though this seminar presented many challenges God was glorified and the Word was spread. Pray for the Ngorogoro Kanisa la Kristo as they continue to evangelize the community around them. 
Anna and I have purchased our tickets for furlough. We will be leaving Africa August 25th. While home, in order for us to be able to come back and stay for three more years, we will have to raise support. If your congregation is interested in having us come and present our work email us at: Also if you would like to help the fundraising with a donation please send checks to Horton Chapel Church of Christ 925 Union Ridge Road, PO Box 1100, Belton, KY 42324. Put in the for line Maynard’s Mission Work.  
          -  Justin Maynard

 You can see some pictures from that day on our Facebook page (

     Thank you so much for the relentless prayers and support that you give on behalf of the work here.  God is powerful, and He is being glorified by our service together.

Till all have heard...

Daniel Gaines

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Short Report - April 13

Greetings fellow workers,

     I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your continued interest and support of the many great works that God is doing in this area.  You are valuable members of this team, and we hope that you'll continue to labor with us in your prayers.  Here are some of the things that have been going on recently.

Evans Family Visits
    We have enjoyed hosting the Adam Evans family this week.  Adam and his family have served at missionaries in Iringa, Tanzania over the last 3 years, and have been doing a good work there.  Last week taught a short course on Hermeneutics for our 2nd year students.  We've already gotten good feedback on the class, and are confident it was a blessing to our students.  We wish Adam and Megan a safe drive back home.

Daniel preaching in Arusha

Josiah showing his support for Daddy with an "I Love You" sign

Giving Series
     The Arusha church has asked me to do an 8-lesson series on giving.  I confess that I feel a bit awkward spending so much time teaching people with very little disposable income about the importance of giving.  However, the request is a good reminder that giving is an important practice for all christians, not just those who can afford large contributions.  It has thus far been a challenging study, but the brethren have been receptive.  I'm largely basing the study on a book entitled, "Beyond the Tithe" by Westley Hazel.  It is a worthwhile read, if you get the opportunity.

Njiro Evangelism
     The emphasis for our team evangelism has moved back to the Njiro Chini area for the next quarter.  We've had some good studies so far in the area.  For example, we studied with one man at his business for more than an hour.  Then he gave us directions to his house, and asked us to go and talk to his wife also because he wanted her to be in church.  I hope the future holds good things for this family.

Mason and Hailey Norman

New Missionaries
     This week we are thrilled to welcome a new addition to our team.  Mason and Hailey Norman will be arriving here on Wednesday evening.  This newlywed couple will be helping out and paving the way for her parents (Todd and Susan Storks) and brother (Wesley) to join the team a little later this year.  Please keep their transition in your prayers.

Local Reports
     Now enjoy some excerpts from reports we have received from a few of the local brethren who are hard at work in the Lord's vineyard:

Koimere Ndoosi at the Monduli Juu congregations reports about last month, "I have one man who obeyed the gospel and was baptized. Glory to God."

Ibrahimu Mrutu at the Kisong congregation says, "In this month I was able by the help of God to reach many souls and two of them were baptized. 1.Gabrely Peter 2.Roberty Simon"

David Bayi at the Kioga church says, "Brother, I have 12 classes and we have hope of baptizing one lady soon named, Evelina, and we have had one baptism this month already. So in general the work is going well."

Joseph Juma Withre of Mwanza says, "Since I said before last month I established 15 Bible classes with 31 people, and I said 11 of those people are very interested to come into the Lord's church.  Right now one person has already obeyed the gospel through baptism."

Elias Kwilasa from Mwanza says, "In my last report I decided to leave other Bible classes in order to concentrate on five Bible classes with 15 people.  For these Bible classes, I succeeded in baptizing two people and am still continuing to study with the rest."

Silivester Bahati of the Ibambula congregation says, "On my last report I wrote that there were 6 classes; these classes caused these results of 2 people to obey."

As you can see, there are a lot of people involved in spreading the Lord's kingdom here.  Thank you for being a part of this team also.

May God bless our continued efforts together.

Till all have heard...

Daniel Gaines