Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Short Report November


Grace and Peace to you friends. I hope this email finds you doing well.  Today, I have some wonderful updates to share with you about some of the things that have been happening in Tanzania.  Then at the end of this message is an exciting announcement about the future of the work.  Firstly, Chuck Webster was recently in Tanzania for the inaugural session of the the long-awaited Cy Stafford School of Leadership!  Chuck was good enough to share some thoughts with us on this momentus occasion:"Several years ago, Cy Stafford dreamed of creating a leadership school in Arusha whose curriculum would be designed to promote the development of spiritually mature leaders within East African churches. He hoped that God would use this kind of school to help churches throughout East Africa and beyond to grow and mature as they were led by spiritually and biblically qualified elders and deacons."God answered Cy's prayer. We're excited to announce that the Cy Stafford School of Leadership admitted its first class just a few weeks ago. From October 10-21, five men with many years of ministry and leadership experience gathered in Arusha to study leadership on a deeper level."During the first seminar (Oct. 10-14), we studied Biblical Leadership by reflecting on the men in the Old Testament whom God called to lead His people. We spent time with Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, David, Elijah, and Daniel, as well as others, seeking to understand better how God used them as leaders."In the second seminar (Oct. 17-21), we spent the entire week in the life of Jesus as we studied Servant Leadership. Jesus--the greatest leader in all of Scripture--led by selflessly serving the people around Him, and He invested much of His time with a small group of disciples who would later lead the church."Before the students arrived at the seminars, they read extended passages of Scripture, as well as four books on Christian leadership. They wrote a review of each book that they read, as well as an autobiographical paper that addressed how God had given them opportunities to serve and also how they might grow as leaders."Classes on campus consisted of group discussions on the assigned readings, class lectures on specific leadership topics, and student presentations on parts of their outside readings. On the last day of each seminar, students completed an essay exam where they shared what they had learned."In the weeks following the seminars, students will apply what they have studied to specific areas of need in their ministry contexts and submit a research paper that details their findings."We're thrilled that God has given us this opportunity to work alongside Christian men in East Africa to reflect more deeply about leadership, and we're confident that He will use this school to bless His church."Here are some other updates on recent events from our Dean of Academics, Michael Losotwa:

"On one occasion  Jesus said, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven" (Mt. 5:16). The best I can tell, there's no limitation to this. In other words, shining forth a good example is not restricted to the church building, Sunday service, or when just around church members. Truth be told, where it's most important to let our lights shine is at home, on the job, at school, and even on social media sites. True Christianity radiates from within and is on display everywhere and all the time. I have mentioned all of these because most of the time, I do feel more comfortable after encouraging others.

"On September 19 – 24, the ASCOP students had reminders of the house-to-house evangelism campaign at Kwa Morombo near Arusha city. This campaign led to the establishment of a total number of 207 new Bible classes, 5 baptisms, and 2 old Bible classes resumed. This is one of the successful campaigns contacted by our students recently. Best plans are being undertaken to ensure all the classes are followed after that campaign.   Also, normal  ACSOP weekly evangelism is continuing. Let’s remember these fellows and the ACSOP in our regular prayers, for the good they are doing in the kingdom of our dear God.

"More also on October 6 – 9, the ACSOP held the Tanzania Leadership Conference, having the theme “Church in Action.”    25 Tanzania congregations were represented, 2 represented Kenya, and 1 represented Uganda. A total number of 101 people excluded ACSOP staff and faculty attended.  Each and everyone who attended appreciated all the teaching and effort which made that conference happen.

"So also, the regular classes’ studies are going well here at ACSOP. Since September 26, we have started our fourth quarter and last of this year and we are going to wind up on November 25, then graduation on the 26th."

As you can tell, there are important things constantly going on with the Lord's work in Tanzania.  The Andrew Connally School of Preaching and related efforts have been huge blessings to the Lord's kingdom across East Africa, and we thank you for being a part of that.  We are always concerned about the long-term sustainability of these important efforts and we know that you are too. With that in mind, we are excited to announce the establishment of the Tanzania Missions Legacy Fund.  This is an investment fund owned by the Hoover Church of Christ that will serve as an endowment dedicated to the long-term financial stability of the work.  Principal contributions to this fund will never be touched, but the income and growth gained from the investment fund, once fully funded, will undergird ACSOP and insulate it from financial volatiles. We would like to ask you to consider making the Tanzania Missions Legacy Fund a part of your estate plan. So many of you have been personally impacted by this work, and have a love for it.  This is a great way to see that preacher training continues in Arusha indefinitely, long after you and I are gone.   It would also be a strong last statement about the things that were important to you in this life. Of course, immediate contributions are welcome as well!  I would love to visit with you personally about this or other aspects of the work.  I'm currently filling out my Spring schedule and would love to make you or your congregation a part of it.  Just let me know!  May God bless you richly as we approach the end of this year!Till all have heard,Daniel GainesMission CoordinatorTanzania Missions

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