Friday, September 6, 2024

September Short Report


Grace and Peace to you friends. 

I hope this note finds you doing well and your service thriving.  Today, I want to share with you a recent update from our Dean of Academics, Michael Losotwa.  He shares what the students and staff have been up to over the summer:

“Hello, core workers!

“Greetings from the Andrew Connally School of Preaching! Along with these greetings, we are glad to give you a report on the school following the beginning of the third quarter of this year, with classes starting yesterday, August 19th. I want to remind you that after the first and second-year students completed their second quarter of studies for this year on May 31st, they all went on break. All 15 first-year students and 6 second-year students returned to school as of last Saturday, August 17th. During their break, they engaged in evangelism practice within their home congregations, which led to the establishment of 68 new classes, the baptism of 36 people, the restoration of 19 backsliders, the founding of 5 new congregations, and the holding of 13 outdoor meetings. We, as a school, commend our students for the excellent work they have done in saving souls during their break, which has greatly contributed to the growth of those congregations both numerically and spiritually.

    “During that break, the entire faculty of ACSOP was divided and traveled to various locations within and outside our country to visit our second-year students, who are expected to graduate on November 22nd of this year. During these visits, we also sought out new students to join ACSOP next year in the English-speaking class.

    “After completing these visits, we traveled to Busia, Uganda, to join various preachers from across East Africa for joint evangelism efforts. While there, we also announced the availability of positions for new students to apply to ACSOP next year. During this evangelism, we witnessed the baptism of 5 people and the establishment of many new classes.

    “In conclusion, in this third quarter of studies at ACSOP, the following courses are being taught, starting with the first year:

August 19–23: Godhead, Peter K.

August 26–30: Christian Evidence, Peter K.

September 2–6: Matthew (Life of Christ 1) - Desdery, 

Exodus – Deuteronomy - Josephat, and Public Speaking 1, Losotwa M.

Short Courses: September 23–October 2: Acts and Joshua–Ruth.

August 19–23: Life of Christ 2 (Mark) by Desdery M.
August 26–30: Life of Christ 1 (Matthew)—Joseph M.
September 2–6: Public Speaking 3 (Advanced Homiletics): Losotwa M., 

Galatians - Ahimidiwe K., and Bible Geography.

Short Courses: September 23 – October 2:
September 23–27: Marriage and Family Life
September 30 – October 2: Foundation of Missions (study of missions in the New Testament).
October 3–6: Tanzania Leadership Conference.

”We continue to express our gratitude to all the brethren in Christ who have been with us, supporting us physically and spiritually in making this noble work of God possible. May God continue to bless you richly, both physically and spiritually. Amen!”

Michael, ACSOP, Dean of Academics.

I’d also like to share this little video update that highlights some of what has happened this year in Tanzania:

    Thank you for your interest and support.  Also, we are in need of more financial support for the general work fund.  If you can help or know someone who can, then reach out to me.  I’d love to visit with you about it.  Above all, please keep the work in your prayers.  God is good.

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Mission Coordinator
Tanzania Missions